Science Fiction

Thanks for reaching my new self-hosted website! Writing about psychology, teaching and learning, human motivation and of course my interest in horror and science fiction in the media and in literature are amongst the many things I enjoy covering. As…
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Neill Blomkamp’s Aliens Sequel- The Franchise Deserves It!

Growing up I was blown away by James Cameron’s Aliens (1986). It was and still is my favourite film both visually and technically (no silly CGI effects!), and the characters and dialogue were just simply fantastic. I can watch Aliens over…
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Leonard Nimoy’s Portrayal of Spock

In 1967 Leonard Nimoy in the character of Mr Spock began to deliver his logical lines of wisdom, always conveying inspirational messages sometimes of ancient Vulcan proverbs relating to behaviors and situations he encountered. Leonard Nimoy’s portrayal of Spock gave…
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Human Mind and Behaviour: Learning & Writing about New Things

Hi everyone! My name is Kevin Dajee; I am a Psychologist, Teacher, Writer, Researcher, Husband, Father, Zombie enthusiast, Fan of Horror, Sci-Fi and Comic books; Confirmed Geek and full–time Raconteur. I have worked within clinical settings and lectured within Universities in the UK and…
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